Rectory Office Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
from 9:00AM to 2:00PM
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday:
7:30 AM ( English)
7:00 PM (Polish)*
*Novena to St. Joseph
15 minutes befor th Mass
7:00 PM (Polish)**
**Divine Mercy Novena
15 minutes before the Mass
First Friday:
7:30 AM (English)
7:00 PM (Polish)
7:30 AM (English)
5:30 PM Vigil (English)
9:30 AM (English)
11:00 AM (Polish)
On the occasion of the Nativity of our Savior, I would like to express my warmest wishes to all the members and friends of our parish. May the light of the night of Bethlehem illuminate everything that is difficult in your life. May the presence of the Newborn in your everyday life be a source of joy and provide you with the strength to handle whatever problems or adversities may arise. In the Christmas atmosphere, I would also like to thank you for your presence and for all the good that each of you brings to the life of the parish. Wishing you a joyous Christmas and a new year filled with God's blessings,
Fr. Paul
On December 8, we invite you to the parish St. Nicholas Day celebration. This meeting will take place in the hall under the church after the mass at 11. Parents who would like their children to take part in a meeting with St. Santa Claus, please put the children’s names on the list. Tickets for St. Nicholas Day are $10 per child.