Rectory office

Rectory Office Hours: 

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
from 9:00AM to 2:00PM


Holy Mass Schedule

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday:
7:30 AM ( English)

7:00 PM (Polish)*
*Novena to St. Joseph 
15 minutes befor th Mass

7:00 PM (Polish)**
**Divine Mercy Novena
15 minutes before the Mass

First Friday:
7:30 AM (English)
7:00 PM (Polish)

7:30 AM (English)
5:30 PM Vigil (English)

9:30 AM (English)
11:00 AM (Polish)


Sacrament of Confirmation

During the mass that was conducted by Auxiliary Bishop the Most Reverend Witold Mroziewski of the Diocese of Brooklyn, we witnessed our young parishioners receive the sacrament of Confirmation. Jesus himself instituted sacraments as outward signs to give grace. Confirmation, a completing to baptism, is a sacrament thru which we receive the Holy Spirit to make us strong and perfect Christians. By laying on of hands, anointing with chrism and pronouncing the words “Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit” this sacrament effects in outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety and Fear of the Lord, are the gifts that we need to fulfill our mission in life that God has prepared for us . God created us for one purpose, which is to form a relationship with Him. Even though we have different individual vocations, and are called to do different things and make different decisions in our lives, still our ultimate purpose is the same - to serve, to love and to know God. Our goal is to get as close to God as we can, and sacraments are the tools given to us to help us get there. They can be the foundation for building a strong and fruitful spiritual life. Now, perfectly bound to the Church and enriched with special strength of the Holy Spirit, our young friends are true witnesses of Christ obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deeds.


St. Joseph ChurchSt. Joseph's Church
founded  in 1909

Z Naszej Galerii