Rectory office

Rectory Office Hours: 

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
from 9:00AM to 2:00PM


Holy Mass Schedule

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday:
7:30 AM ( English)

7:00 PM (Polish)*
*Novena to St. Joseph 
15 minutes befor th Mass

7:00 PM (Polish)**
**Divine Mercy Novena
15 minutes before the Mass

First Friday:
7:30 AM (English)
7:00 PM (Polish)

7:30 AM (English)
5:30 PM Vigil (English)

9:30 AM (English)
11:00 AM (Polish)


March for Life 2022

Since passing of Roe vs Wade in 1973 nearly 63 million unborn babies have been lost to legalized abortion in the US.  Abortion is the most significant human right abuse of our time, and the year 2022 could, at last, be the year when Roe vs Wade gets overturned.

March for Life has become the greatest and the most consistent Human Rights March in the US. It has been taking place every year since 1974, regardless of the circumstances either weather or politically related. Even the Covid 19 pandemic has not been able to stop it.

What makes this event special is above all the message to the world that we stand for the unborn, we march because we believe in the beauty and dignity of every human life. 

We need to be a voice and a presence for those who cannot speak for themselves. We must show the world that the lives of the unborn matter and that they are loved.

It is amazing how March for Life unites people from different religious and secular backgrounds. Let’s all make an effort to be a part of the Pro Life Movement. If possible travel to Washington D.C and be there in person. All interested in attending the March for Life with a Polish group, please see the details of the trip on the attached poster. Otherwise, consider a spiritual support, pray the rosary and novenas, fast or make a donation to inspire a generation to end abortion.

For more information click on the link: or 

St. Joseph ChurchSt. Joseph's Church
founded  in 1909

Z Naszej Galerii